Quantum Money Clearings
One of the biggest blocks people have is in learning to RECEIVE, and money holds the biggest charge for most people. Lets start by clearing the “energy field of money” so we can truly let the good stuff in (go ahead and read former workshop attendee Ian's testimonial below)

“I recently did a breakthrough workshop with Chris. After the Quantum Money Clearing session in week one I received a call from my dad for the first time in 5 years. Not only that he gifted me $6000 and I was actually able to receive it”.
Ian Nesbitt (Couples Empowerment Coach)

Manifesting Your Ideal Life
Heres where we get to dream big and have our dreams witnessed by others. Not letting ourselves dream is one big reason many people feel unfulfilled.
“Since the program I feel happier and less stressed around money. I have had new clients out of the blue and even received unexpected gifts directly to my door. I experienced so much laugher and movement in the energetic clearings - I loved participating in them.”
Leonie Michaels (Transformation Coach, Feldenkrais Practitioner)
Clearing the Energetic Blocks To Your Ideal Life
There is a part of our OLD IDENTITY that does not want us to shift.
In this session we start to gently dissolve those dense energies so we can move forward into our new life with ease.
“I Never experienced energy work to be so immediate and tangible.
We worked virtually online, even listening to the recorded meditation was powerful every time. ”
Ursula Linhoff (Coach and Busines Owner)

Clearing Out The Old!
This week we will be clearing any old sticky energy that keeps us holding onto things, people, ways of being and behaving that no longer serve us.
These energetic patterning belong to an old identity that serves only to keep us stuck. Along with the energetic clearings we will take powerful steps on a physical level to create a life that represents who we say we now our. Our actions need to reflect out intentions.
So here’s where we throw out old objects, clear out old drawers, clean our physical space and stop choosing habits that aren’t serving us.

“I have a healthier relationship to money now and I have been transforming old beliefs I had from parents around money”.
Jennifer Moody (Nutritionist and Life Coach)
The New Identity
This week we will be strengthening our new identity and making it real by choosing powerful new ways of being and acting in the world.
What clothes does this new person wear?, how does he/she walk?
What daily habits does this person have?
What action steps do they take which aligns with their goals and dreams?
Are these action steps congruent with who how you want to show up in the world?
Each of you will create a template based on your new choices.

“The most fun part of this program was the sound healing and energy clearing processes. After doing this program I feel lighter, more optimistic and grateful for all miracles"
Renata Cholewa (Healer/Coach)
Celebrating The New You
Here we celebrate each individuals journey, the changes he/she has made. You will get an opportunity to share your vision/project/business idea to the group (if you choose).
You will speak from your place of newfound clarity about your gifts, your visions and the inspired action steps that you will be taking heading into 2023 and beyond.

“This program is a fantastic way to shift your vibration around money. Chris has a certain mastery and magic in the way he works. Interestingly because the program focuses on receiving I also noticed men were showing up as more protective and providing in my life”.
Tia Marcuzzi (Holistic Practitioner, Coach and Facilitator)